How Much Does Average Single Woman Spend On Grocies A Month?

A Typical Family The average family headed by a single mother includes the mom and two children -- 1.7 children to be exact, according to the Pew Research Center. The youngest child is about 7 years old. A person’s age affects food spending, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which calculates food costs based on age and gender. Single parents with two children spent 25 to 34 percent of their income on food in 2011, according to the USDA. Mothers with older children tended to spend more money on food. Costs for Food The number, age and gender of a single mother’s children will affect her food expenses, according to the USDA.

  1. How Much Does Average Single Woman Spend On Groceries A Month For One Person

The weekly food cost for a 1-year-old child, for example, could range from $21.50 to $39.40. A single mother could expect to spend $31.10 to $61.30 on children aged 6 to 8. The average weekly cost to feed a 14- to 18-year-old boy ranges from $39.00 to $69.10, while the cost for a girl in the same age group ranges from $37.50 to $56.00 a week. The cost for the mother’s food would range from $37.50 to $74.30. Since the majority of single mothers earn less than $30,000 a year, it is reasonable to assume that they will spend the lower amounts. Other Factors Two factors that could affect a mother’s food budget are the ability to raise some of her family’s food and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, formerly known as the food stamp program. One gardener in Maine calculated that his 1,600 square foot garden grew enough food to save $1,914.50 a year when compared to the cost of the same food in a conventional supermarket, according to a July 2009 article on TheDailyGreen website.

How Much Does Average Single Woman Spend On Grocies A Month?

How Much Does Average Single Woman Spend On Groceries A Month For One Person


Home Budget: Cost-of-Living Reality Check. You’ve heard the mantra over and over: budget, budget, budget. But budgeting an average of $50 to $60 per month to power a one- or two-bedroom apartment should suffice. If you fall into that camp, you’ll spend $230 a month on a standard ten-year repayment schedule at 6.8 percent interest. We spend about $75 on groceries per person per month, so around $300 a month. The bad thing is we eat out a lot. I’ve started eating more fruits and vegetables so I’m hoping I can cook more and eat out less. What is the average monthly food cost for all food groups for one person in the US? It depends but it looks like about 10-12% gross income per year. Or about 1% per month.

The purpose of the SNAP program is to prevent hunger in low-income families. A single mother with two children could qualify for an average of $489 under SNAP each month, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. SNAP benefits can only be used for food purchases. The Weekly Budget Single mothers whose family income is $30,000 a year could be expected to spend $7,500 to $10,200 a year for food, based on the USDA’s estimates of food expenditures of 25 to 34 percent of total income.